The all-new SLK-Class, one of the most exciting and successful sports cars ever built, is entering its third generation. The 2012MY roadster takes driving pleasure and open-air enjoyment to the next level by blending nimble handling wîth stylish comfort, striking sports-car design, everyday drivability, top performance and exemplary efficiency. In addition, the 2012 SLK-Class is proud to present the world premiere of the panorama vario-roof wîth MAGIC SKY CONTROL, which switches between light and dark transparency at the touch of a button. Exemplary efficiency and athletic flair come courtesy of powerful new 4 and 6-cylinder engines With superb levels of performance, they are more fuel efficient than their predecessors and wîth unique new safety equipment the 2012 SLK-Class sets the new standard in this §egmènt. With its wealth of technical innovations, the SLK is once again the benchmark in its class. The 2012 SLK-Class goes on-sale in the Ú.S. this summer.
'The new SLK embodies the role of the trend-setter like no other car', says Dr. Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Head of Mercedes-Benz Cars. 'I am convinced that wîth its passionate design, its high-quality interior and its modesty at the fuel station it will continue to provide an enormous amount of fun on the road in future, too, consolidating its status as a cult roadster.'
Engines are familiar to fans of the Three-Pointed Star. In the States, we will eventually get two of three available engines for the new SLK: the 1.8-liter turbocharged four-cylinder and the naturally-aspirated 3.5-liter V6. Four-cylinder models will be called the SLK250, while V6 models gets the SLK350 badge. For 2012, both engines gain direct fuel injection in a nod to efficiency. Horsepower, torque and preliminary estimated miles per gallon figures are 201, 229 pound-feet, and 23/31 for the 1.8-liter engine and 302, 273 lb-ft., and 20/29 for the uprated V6. On this trip, only the six-cylinder SLK350 was available for us to drive, as it will be the only model offered when the SLK goes on sale in June. The SLK250 is scheduled for availability in the U.S. later in the model year.

Both engines run their torque through an updated seven-speed automatic modified to accommodate a new fuel-saving start/stop functionality. Unfortunately, cars coming to the USA won't be getting the latter feature – at least for the moment. That's too bad, given where fuel prices are trending and the system's relative smoothness. Mercedes-Benz engineers use the crankshaft position sensor to know which cylinder has stopped closest to the optimum position for re-starting the engine. The engine control module then re-fires that cylinder first, an action that helps smooth out and quicken the re-start event.
Innovations are part of the successful history of the Mercedes-Benz SLK:
•In 1996, the first generation caused a sensation wîth the vario-roof, which transformed the wide-open roadster into a fixed-roof coupe at the touch of a button in just a few seconds.
•The second generation placed the warm AIRSCARF around the neck and shoulders of the occupants as needed, ensuring open-top enjoyment even in cooler temperatures.
•Now the third generation presents a unique highlight – the world premiere of the panorama vario-roof wîth MAGIC SKY CONTROL, which can be quickly switched to light or dark transparency at the touch of a button.
The new Mercedes-Benz SLK unites premium comfort and high-quality equipment and appointments wîth an especially athletic flair. At the same time the new roadster is the most fuel efficient in its class matched wîth §egmènt-leading safety. All-weather driving enjoyment – open or closed, during weekends or the daily commute – is firmly anchored in the SLK's genes.
Der komplett neue SLK-Klasse, einer der aufregendsten und erfolgreichsten Sportwagen jemals gebaut wurde, geht in die dritte Generation. Die 2012MY Roadster dauert Fahrspaß und Open-Air-Genuss auf die nächste Stufe durch Vermischen mit spielerischem Handling und stilvollem Komfort, markantes Sportwagen-Design, alltägliche Fahrverhalten, Top-Performance und vorbildliche Effizienz. Darüber hinaus ist die SLK-Klasse 2012 stolz, die Weltpremiere des Panorama-Variodach mit MAGIC SKY CONTROL, die zwischen hell und dunkel schaltet Transparenz bei der per Knopfdruck zu präsentieren.
La toute nouvelle Classe SLK, l'une des voitures de sport les plus passionnants et fructueux jamais construits, est entré dans sa troisième génération. Le roadster 2012MY prend le plaisir de conduire et en plein air la jouissance à un niveau supérieur en se confondant avec la maniabilité confort élégant, frappant des voitures de sport de conception, la maniabilité de tous les jours, des performances et une efficacité exemplaire. En outre, l'édition 2012 Classe SLK est fier de présenter la première mondiale du panorama toit vario CONTROL avec Magic Sky, qui commute entre la lumière et la transparence sombre à la pression d'un bouton.
Täysin uusi SLK-Class, yksi mielenkiintoisimmista ja menestyksekäs urheiluautoja koskaan rakennettu, on tulossa kolmas sukupolvi.2012MY roadster vie ajonautintoa ulkona nautinto seuraavalle tasolle yhdistämällä ketterä käsiteltävyys tyylikästä mukavuutta silmiinpistävää urheilu-auton suunnittelu, arjen ajettavuus, huippuluokan suorituskyky ja esimerkillistä tehokkuutta. Lisäksi 2012 SLK ylpeänä esittää maailman ensi panorama Vario-katto Magic SKY CONTROL, joka kytkee valon ja pimeyden avoimuutta napin painalluksella.
На сите нови Користени возила, еден од највозбудливите и успешни спортски автомобили некогаш бил изграден, влегува во третата генерација. На 2012MY Roadster зема задоволството на возење и отворено уживање на следното ниво со мешање на пргав ракување со стилски удобност, впечатлив спортски автомобил дизајн, секојдневни возност, врвни перформанси и примерен ефикасност. Покрај тоа, во 2012 година SLK-Class е горда да ви претстави на светската премиера на панорама Vario-покрив со магија SKY контрола, што се префрла помеѓу светлината и темнината транспарентност со едно притиснување на копче.
Абсолютно новый SLK-класса, один из самых интересных и успешных спортивных автомобилей, когда-либо построенных, вступает в третьем поколении.2012MY родстера занимает удовольствие от вождения и под открытым небом удовольствие на новый уровень путем смешивания проворные с обработкой комфортом, яркий спортивный дизайн автомобиля, бытовой управляемости, высокой производительности и образцовой эффективностью. Кроме того, в 2012 году SLK-класса с гордостью представляет мировую премьеру панорама Vario-крыша с MAGIC SKY CONTROL, который переключается между светлыми и темными прозрачность одним нажатием кнопки.
Tüm yeni SLK-Serisi, şimdiye kadar yapılmış en heyecan verici ve başarılı spor otomobillerinden biri, üçüncü nesil giriyor.2012MY roadster çevik yol tutuşu, şık konfor, çarpıcı spor araba tasarımı, günlük sürüş, üstün performans ve örnek verimlilik harmanlayarak sonraki seviyeye zevk ve açık hava sürüş keyfi alır. Buna ek olarak, 2012 SLK-Serisi bir düğmeye dokunarak açık ve koyu şeffaflık arasında geçiş panorama vario tavan ile Magic SKY KONTROL, dünya prömiyerini sunmaktan gurur duyar.
كل جديد الفئة-SLK، واحدة من السيارات الرياضية الأكثر إثارة ونجاحا على الإطلاق، يدخل الجيل الثالث. السيارة 2012MY يأخذ متعة القيادة والتمتع في الهواء الطلق إلى المستوى التالي من خلال مزج ذكيا مع التعامل مع راحة أنيقة، وضرب تصميم السيارات الرياضية، توفر قيادة اليومية، وأعلى مستويات الأداء والكفاءة المثالية. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، لعام 2012 الفئة-SLK فخورة لتقديم العرض العالمي الأول لمكافحة بانوراما مع فاريو سقف السماء السحر، والذي يحول بين الضوء والظلام الشفافية في لمسة زر واحدة.
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